Winter Maintenance Tips for Outdoor Plumbing in Massachusetts

Winter Maintenance Tips for Outdoor Plumbing in Massachusetts

Whether you are excited about winter or not, the cold is here. By taking a few precautionary steps, you can better prepare your outdoor plumbing system for the cold North Shore winters. If you’re unsure of how to proceed, it’s always best to call a professional plumber. You want someone with experience in residential plumbing.

Maintenance Tips

Here are a few worthwhile maintenance tips to consider:

• Protect faucets – Outdoor faucets and hoses are prone to freezing if there is any water still inside. Should temperatures reach freezing point, the stagnant water freezes, then works its way indoors. You can prevent this by unscrewing the outside hose and emptying it of water. Lastly, use winterizing covers to help protect outdoor faucets.
• Check for exposed pipes – Should any pipe be exposed outdoors, chances are it will freeze. You can prevent frozen pipes by insulating any exposed water pipes. Cover them with insulation, newspaper, heat tape, or foam sleeves.
• Inspect the furnace – While not located outdoors, the furnace is crucial in preventing frozen pipes. Should the furnace fail, your pipes are at an increased risk of freezing and bursting once temperatures begin to drop.

Calling a Professional

Consider scheduling a service appointment with a residential plumber. You may be unsure of exactly what to look for and how to properly winterize your outdoor plumbing in Boston, so trust a professional to guide you through the process.

Once you schedule an appointment, your technician will arrive and survey the entire home – inside and out – for weak points. Precautionary steps will be taken to prepare for winter weather.

Contact Us

To schedule outdoor plumbing maintenance in Stoneham, MA, and the surrounding areas, contact Silco Plumbing. We have experts standing by to take your call and handle your plumbing troubles!

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